On Friday, October 6, 2017, as a part of the 215th Anniversary Celebrations, the Ebenezer family met at the Sir Durward Knowles Auditorium to enjoy a time of fun and games. Leading the evening, Andrew Malone kept the crowd entertained throughout the night between games.
Allison Underwood showcased his vocal talent with the song ‘The Sound of Silence’ while Carmen Vargas showcased her instrumental talent with her accompaniment on the guitar. In true weekend family fashion, we ate pizza after answering various trivia questions about Ebenezer. We were especially entertained with the answer of ‘Soup Kitchen’ when asked who was one of the organists in Ebenezer. Various prizes were awarded for answers to the trivia questions. The highlight of the evening were the two games that made use of visual and audio technology through the use of the projector, screen, music and laptop. The youth department led a game of Bible Family Feud which had everyone guessing and laughing at the same time to some of the answers. ‘Name that Tune’ in a jeopardy style was led by Giavanna Rolle and required everyone to listen to the first few lines of a song of a Hymn, TV Show, Movie, and even from the 50’s and 60’s to name the song or the singer. Both young and old got a chance to name that tune including Allison Underwood who got almost all of the 50’s and 60’s songs correct. By the end of the night, everyone noted the fun that they had and we look forward to the next exciting and fun-filled family night. |