Ebenezer Youth on the Move!As the Youth department continues to grow, our youth have been quite busy with the number of ventures and activities taken on lately. Between workshops, Ministry of Youth, the annual Halloween party, Advent and Christmas season, Junior Church, youth choir, EPIC youth group, individual development, and much more, our youth are on a roll
INDIVIDUAL PROGRESSLast but not least, congratulations to our whole Youth Department. Based on our general reports, some of our youth recently left the island for, college, jobs, or a new experience. Some who are in high school have entered academic and creative arts competitions where they’ve won specific categories, or were recognized for efforts. BGCSE, BJC’s, and final exams went well as a few received scholarships and were accepted into college. Some are very active in sports and community service and have also been recognized in such areas. Overall, all have faced challenges in different areas, but continue to work toward progress and seek help where needed. Thank you church for the love and prayers extended to each youth.